Posted on by Amber Merton

Benefits of PlushBeds Memory Foam Mattresses - PlushBeds

Memory foam mattresses have come a long way in the past decade. PlushFoam Memory Foam mattresses have taken the many benefits of traditional memory foam and found ways to improve an already great product. These are just some of the benefits to consider should you decide to purchase PlushFoam Memory Foam Mattresses, or even if you’re trying to decide between PlushFoam and some other memory foam product.

30 Percent Cooler Sleep

This is huge in the memory foam circle. The Cool Bliss is a 12″ gel-infused memory foam mattress that combines the cooling power of gel with the many other cooling properties of PlushFoam for a phenomenally cooler overall sleep experience.

GreenGuard Gold Certification

Less than one percent of mattresses sold in the U.S. have been awarded GreenGuard Gold certification. Our PlushFoam mattresses are the first memory foam mattresses in the world to have achieved this certification.

This particular certification was once called the GreenGuard Children and Schools Certification because products that meet these rigorous standards are safe for children, in schools, for the elderly, and in healthcare settings. In addition to the cooling benefits, people who sleep on these mattresses can rest more easily knowing they’ve chosen a safe mattress for their family and the earth.

Memory Foam and Latex Blend

You get all the benefits of memory foam with our PlushFoam mattresses, without the sinking feeling of traditional memory foam. It’s the latex combination that makes a world of difference.

Latex provides additional support that gives you a feeling of floating on top of the mattress rather than sinking into it.

What does this mean for you? It means that you’re not going to sleep quite as “hot” as you would with traditional memory foam and it means that your spine is getting adequate support throughout the evening. While traditional memory foam is ideal for joint pressure relief, some find it lacking in the support category. The latex combination provides just the right touch of buoyant support to help you wake comfortably in the morning.

Improved Motion Isolation

Traditional mattresses are known to roll as your partner does throughout the night. PlushFoam, however, doesn’t have that problem. It’s the high-density nature of the memory foam that eliminates the motion transfer from one side of the bed to another. This means that your partner can toss and turn all night, get up and down for midnight snacks, or even make a third run to the bathroom without waking you up once in the process. That’s the beauty of a zero-motion transfer mattress.

Mattresses are important as they impact the quality and quantity of sleep you get. We believe the PlushFoam Memory Foam mattress will change the industry forever by giving you the best night’s sleep possible. Try it for yourself and see if you agree.

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