Posted on by Amber Merton

Best Mattress for Neck Pain: No More Cricks - PlushBeds

Neck pain, also called cervical pain, is a part of everyday life for millions of Americans. “About two thirds of the population have neck pain at some time in their lives”, reports the British Medical Journal. Although neck pain can occur at any time in a person’s life, the middle age years is when it is most prominent. While some cases of neck pain (possibly as a result of injury) can be acute and subside after a few days or weeks, other cases are more chronic and can linger throughout a person’s life.

Neck Pain Causes

Since such a large percentage of the population experiences neck pain at some point or the other, it’s important to explain the various causes of neck pain.

Most commonly, neck pain results from:

  • Injuries. Vehicle collisions are a common cause of neck pain, and specifically rear-end collisions. This can cause “whiplash” when the neck is jerked backwards and forwards because the ligaments in the neck are stretched beyond their means.
  • Muscle strains. Everyday muscle strains, from things like driving, sitting at a computer, or working at a physical job, can be a source of neck pain.
  • Compressed nerves. Herniated disks can press on the nerves leading to the spinal cord causing moderate to severe pain in some people. A bone spur in the neck causes similar pain.
  • Worn-out joints. Your knees and hips aren’t the only joints that wear out or get arthritis in them. Joints in your neck can too, leading to neck pain.

Neck Pain Treatment

All is not lost in terms of getting rid of neck pain, fortunately. Medications, massage, physical therapy, steroid injections, chiropractic treatment, surgery and lifestyle changes (like changing your sleep hygiene) are available treatment methods for neck pain.

Can Changing the Way you Sleep Relieve Neck Pain?

Like back pain, there are also some lifestyle changes you can do to minimize, reduce and potentially eliminate neck pain.

According to WebMD, any person who is suffering from neck pain, should consider the old fairy tale about Goldilocks in terms of the best mattress for neck pain. “Anyone with back or neck pain should take a Goldilocks approach to mattress buying: not too hard, and not too soft.”

A latex bed fits this bill as both the best mattress for back pain and neck pain perfectly for that reason: because it not only contours to the body, but also can be customized for the individualized firmness desired. Because so many fibromyalgia patients suffer from widespread shoulder, neck and back pain, a latex mattress is also the best mattress for fibromyalgia patients.

The key is to try and create a normal and natural alignment of the neck as possible,” said Dr. Joseph Feinberg, Hospital for Special Surgery.

In addition, according to Harvard Medical School, a tip for side and back sleepers with neck pain is to use a traditionally-shaped pillow with “memory foam” that conforms to the contour of your head and neck.

All things told, a one hundred percent natural latex mattress provides the “just right” blend between the firmness you need for your neck pain and for the proper support and alignment your spine needs.

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