Posted on by Amber Merton

Best Mattress for Insomnia: Getting the Sleep You Need - PlushBeds

Insomnia can be a real dream killer, and it’s a problem that plagues far more people than you realize. According to the National Institute of Health: “A general consensus has developed from population-based studies that approximately 30% of a variety of adult samples drawn from different countries report one or more of the symptoms of insomnia: difficulty initiating sleep, difficulty maintaining sleep, waking up too early, and in some cases, nonrestorative or poor quality of sleep.”

What this means is that insomnia is a condition that crosses all borders of race, religion, location, health, and wealth. It impacts people across the board and around the world.

Possible Causes of Insomnia

The problem with insomnia is that there isn’t a single common denominator that causes it. Insomnia can be caused by many different things making it exceptionally difficult to order a one-size-fits-all solution for the problem. These are some of the primary culprits associated with causing insomnia:

  • Illnesses/ongoing health problems
  • Irregular sleep schedules
  • Pain
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Medications
  • Caffeine
  • Tobacco
  • Alcohol
  • Sleep disorders
  • Prolonged or pronounced stress
  • Travel
  • Poor sleep environment
  • Uncomfortable/unsupportive mattresses

The list really can go on and on. One thing you might take note of is that according to the American Sleep Association, more than eight of every ten people who suffer from insomnia are believed to have what is known as secondary insomnia. That is insomnia that is symptomatic of another problem.

Solving the Problem of Insomnia

The National Sleep Foundation conducted a poll in 2002 entitled Sleep in America. The results of this poll indicated that 58 percent of U.S. adults experienced a few nights each week, or more, in which they suffered from symptoms of insomnia. What this means is that American adults in general are getting far too little sleep because insomnia is so prevalent.

So, what can the average person do in order to end the long restless nights associated with insomnia? While it’s important to rule out potential medical causes of insomnia, there are other things you can do that will help you get a better night’s sleep if your problems are not related to a medical condition. These things include many of the following:

  • Eliminate caffeine in the evening
  • Adopt a bedtime ritual or routine to prepare your mind and body for sleep
  • Avoid over-stimulation near bedtime
  • Turn down the lights in your bedroom
  • Invest in the best mattress for the money, natural latex foam
  • Eliminate or reduce stress in your life wherever possible
  • Redecorate your bedroom in hues of green, blue, and soothing shades of purple
  • Remove bright and colorful items from your room
  • Clear out the clutter from your bedroom
  • Eating foods that help you sleep

Each one of these things can make a huge difference in your ability to sleep at night.

Best Mattress for Insomnia

While many of the above tips are perhaps common sense, you may have not realized that your mattress may be a contributor to your insomnia.

“A mattress can impact a person’s sleep,” says Michael Decker, PhD, RN, associate professor at Georgia State University and spokesman for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

Finding a good mattress for insomnia isn’t about searching out the highest-tech brand or spending a ton of money. “A much more expensive mattress doesn’t necessarily mean it’s better,” Decker says.

Sometimes the best mattress for insomnia is one that will surprise you, like the 100% natural latex mattress, which is well known for promoting air circulation for a cooler sleep, cradling the body while providing critical spinal support and easing pressure point pain, and alleviating pain from arthritis and other conditions that may be keeping you up at night.

The right mattress really can make a world of difference when it comes to helping you get rid of insomnia.

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