
The Unique Advantages of Living a Green Lifestyle & the Steps to Get There Scholarship Essay Contest

PlushBeds is manufacturer and online retailer of some of the finest sustainably-produced, natural latex mattresses. Beyond selling earth-friendly products, our mission is to also support individuals who believe in taking care of the fragile ecosystem and leaving their corner of the world a better place than they found it. Of course, we know why we do what we do, but we want to hear it from your perspective: We’d like to hear from students seeking eco degrees about what you think are the unique advantages of living a green lifestyle, and the steps that one can take towards a greener lifestyle:

Questions That Should be Considered When Writing Your Essay

What are the advantages of living a green lifestyle? Can it be a win-win scenario for the environment and for those transitioning their lifestyles to become more congruent with a green ethic? How feasible is a zero carbon footprint? What are some examples of distinct monetary advantages for the average persons’ real budget by employing eco-friendly practices vs. the status quo? Individuals and families worldwide may find it a challenge to implement sustainable living practices as a consequence of economic factors and financial constraints. They may hesitate to make improvements, focusing on the effect it has on their pocket book. On the individual and family levels, what steps can be taken and what is needed to change societal mindsets about cost vs. reward, as well as to highlight how living sustainably can in many cases be less expensive? What are the practical steps necessary to take to live more sustainably, and what advantages can be attributed to this change in lifestyle?

Green Scholarship Terms

PlushBeds, Inc. ("PlushBeds") is committed to protecting your privacy and providing a safe online experience. By using our website, you consent to the collection, storage, use and disclosure of your personal information as described in the PlushBeds Terms of Use. If you do not agree to these practices listed in the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, please do not use our website. By submitting an entry for a PlushBeds Green Scholarship, you transfer all rights and ownership of submitted content to PlushBeds, regardless of whether your entry is selected as a winner. PlushBeds reserves the right to publish submitted work at the conclusion of the entry period in any manner PlushBeds sees fit. Selection of winning submissions is entirely at the discretion of PlushBeds. Winner(s) will be contacted by PlushBeds via the email address used for submission. Winner(s) will be confirmed ONLY after providing proof of enrollment in the form of a copy of a tuition bill OR letter of proof from the accredited United States college or university at which the winner(s) is enrolled. Upon confirmation of enrollment, winners will be publicly announced on, and PlushBeds will mail the winner(s) their check.

Who :

Any student enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate green degree program in Fall 2014 or Spring 2015 at any accredited American college, university, or trade school.

What :

A $1,000 scholarship will be awarded for the topic below.

When :

The deadline for submissions is December 15, 2014

How :

Applicants must submit an essay of 1,000 words minimum with the title The Unique Advantages of Living a Green Lifestyle & the Steps to Get There

Award :

A $1,000 scholarship will be awarded. The money can be applied towards tuition or books.

How can I Apply?

Submit your 1,000-word minimum essay, on the topic below. One exceptional essay on the topic The Unique Advantages of Living a Green Lifestyle & the Steps to Get There will be chosen as the winner. See left for more details.

Entry :

Please email your essay to

Deadline for Submissions:

December 15, 2014

Award Date :

January 15, 2015